MDMA is a synthetic party drug that is commonly ingested in tablet form. The name “MDMA” is taken from its chemical name “3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine”. This drug is colloquially known as “molly” in addition to its abbreviated name “MDMA”. The effects of MDMA can be said to lie somewhere between those of a stimulant and a hallucinogen. In keeping with stimulants it produces enhanced energy and vigor, and in keeping with hallucinogens it produces subjective feelings of closeness, euphoria, and time dilation.
This drug originated as a party or “rave” drug but has since found broader appeal among a much larger cross section of society. Typically, MDMA is consumed as a tablet, however it has been known to be sold in capsules. There is an added danger with this drug packaged in capsules that MDMA is being substituted with another substance – usually “bath salts” or “research chemicals” that produce similar subjective effects for the user.
MDMA’s effects will typically take place over the span of a 3 to 6 hour period, and it is not uncommon for the user to redose after the initial dose’s effects begin to subside.
While MDMA was at one time in the 1970s used as a therapy aid, today it is an illegal substance that has no known legitimate medical application, although there are advocates who maintain that it has a place in treating mental illness.
Research is not conclusive as to whether or not MDMA is addictive. Because MDMA is often a brand name under which a variety of drugs are mislabled, it is hard to get accurate information as to the nature of this drug without research in a clinical setting. Some people have reported withdrawl symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite and depression following abrupt cessation of the drug.